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HP OpenVMS Systems

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VAXeln and TOY Clock?

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The Question is:

Rich Southgate wrote in as quoted in
>how to you get the OS to write the time back to the TOY clock.
>I'm faced with the same issue on VMS's realtime cousin, VAXELN
I sent a fews years in ELNland. We ran into the same issue.
There was no problem during development because a time stamp
is embedded in the image that is loaded using MOP. When we
started to boot the image from disk the time was always way
back in the 1800s. Even when we would set the time is would
go away after a reboot.
The solution was to write a program that would store the system
time to the TOY clock. This was not to hard since the locations
were memoroy mapped.  The hard part was getting ahold of the
haredware manual that documented the locations. When had little
problem on the VAXstation 4000/60 but the /90 required a special
request as there was some issue like it was never published.
Sumithra Reddy at the Atlanta Customer Support Center helped
in this. (The support from the real-time group is unmatched
in my twenty years of programming!)
The company I was at at the time was Amistar. See:
At the time Dan Finn danf@amistar.com), V.P. of Engineering,
was responsible for the project. They might be willing to
make the code avaiable as it is not related to the surface
mount features of the product.
Any or all of the above my be destorted as it has been more than
six weeks ago. :-)
C.W.Holeman II  |  cwhii@iname.com  |  http://home.earthlink.net/~cwhii/
 To only a fraction of the  human  race does God  give the  privilege of
 earning one's bread doing what one would have  gladly pursued free, for
 passion. I am very thankful. The Mythical Man-Month Epilogue/F.P.Brooks

The Answer is :

  VAXeln questions are outside the scope of the OpenVMS Wizard, but
  thank you for the information.

answer written or last revised on ( 3-MAY-1999 )

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