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HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS Website: link colors, revision dates?

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The Question is:

With respect to the comment on "same colored
links" used on the Ask the Wizard pages, and
your response that Compaq web page design standards
"wish all pages to always appear new...."
You ask people who want a change to let you know.
Well, here's one voice for a change.
I'm sure that the obvious issues have already
been enumerated and discussed (colors: knowing
where you've been)(dates: knowing whether a
document has been updated), so I won't belabor the
This user would prefer to know which Wizard Q&A's
he's already seen, and would strongly prefer
the links to indicate this by color.
This user is (usually) aware of the current
date, and would prefer article to contain the
article date _and_ the current date, the latter
so as to be able to prove that "that web page
was still online on such-and-such a date."
Thank you.

The Answer is :

  Thank you for your feedback.
  Your comments have been forwarded to the central Compaq website
  comment area:

answer written or last revised on ( 14-MAY-1999 )

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