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C, Daylight savings time, localtime, and gmtime?

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The Question is:

DEC C V5.7-004 on OpenVMS Alpha V7.1-1H1
After i had adjusted the machine clock to
summertime with set time = .. then a c program
gives the wrong answer about the clock.
$ show time
   6-MAY-1999 15:48:06
$ run nu
Localtime: 06 May 1999 16:48:08
Gmtime:    06 May 1999 14:48:08
I had set the timezone to MET in utc$timezone_setup
I live in Denmark ( + 1 hour )
Regards Carsten

The Answer is :

  There is insufficient information here to determine the actual cause of
  the problem -- the source code of the nu.c program will be required.
  This could be a mistake in the nu.c program, or it could be a problem
  with the MET timezone rules, or it could be a local system configuration
  problem, or it could be a change to the local timezone rules that has
  not been reflected in OpenVMS Alpha V7.1.
  To see what MET rule is currently set, use:
  If it is incorrect, look for the definition in the SOURCES subdirectory
  of SYS$TZDIR, the file is called EUROPE. You will need to correct the
  definition and then compile it using ZIC.
  Also check to see if DECdtss or NTP is in use.  (Though NTP generally
  does not alter the daylight savings time setting.)
  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 10-MAY-1999 )

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