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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Problems with MOP and network switch?

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The Question is:

We try to boot an Alpha-Server via MOP-Protocol. This works fine if we do
not use a switch instead of a hub.
We installed an analyzer and the last "good" thing we see is a response from
the mop-server. After this initial response only the client tries to
reconnect to the boot-server.
Is this a major problem?
Is there something to configure to the switch?

The Answer is :

  Please contact your network support organization or the switch vendor,
  as it would appear there is a problem with the configuration.  (And
  without further details of the switch, it is impossible to provide any
  particular suggestions -- based on the correct operation of the MOP
  download, it would appear OpenVMS is correctly configured and that
  the switch is not.)

answer written or last revised on ( 10-MAY-1999 )

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