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HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS and Windows NT interoperation?

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The Question is:

I would like to know how can we use PCs running
Windows NT as terminals of Alpha stations,
running DECWindows/Motif. Both machines are
connected to a TCP/IP local area network.
Thanks a lot.

The Answer is :

  The PATHWORKS 32 product includes a PC-based X-server, eXcursion.
  eXcursion is able to use DECnet or TCP/IP for the network protocol.
  Microsoft Windows NT does include rudimentary telnet and ftp
  capabilities, and these can be adequate for many sites -- these will
  interoperate with OpenVMS and TCP/IP Services.  (These do not permit
  X Windows operations, obviously.)
  Also available for various related purposes is the Enterprise Toolkit
  for Visual environments, the OpenVMS Management Station package, and
  the OpenVMS COM implementation available with V7.2 and later.
  Other (unsupported) options include the SAMBA package.  Also available
  are various third-party X Windows packages for the Windows NT system.
  Various storage-related options are available: NFS clients are available
  for Windows NT, and packages such as NTDS can be used to permit Windows
  NT to use OpenVMS for remote disk storage.  (These in addition to the
  SMB-based storage access available via PATHWORKS and SAMBA.)

answer written or last revised on ( 11-MAY-1999 )

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