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HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS support for AlphaPC 164 series?

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The Question is:

I have an AlphaPC 164 motherboard that DEC made as an OEM board. According
to DEC (now Compaq of course), the board is supported by OpenVMS. Problem is
they can't tell me what I need to put on this board (i.e. SCSI card, video
card) to make this a complet
e solution. Bottom line is I would like to know what DEC, OEM or third-party
cards work with OpenVMS. I am a firm believer in checking the hardware
compat list prior to purchasing software - now only if there existed such a
creature for DEC OSes....

The Answer is :

  The AlphaPC 164 module is not supported by OpenVMS.
  Please see the "OpenVMS on AlphaPC 164LX or AlphaPC 164SX?" topic here
  in Ask The Wizard for a related discussion of non-support.
  The OpenVMS Wizard is aware of problems that have been reported by
  customers that have attempted to the AlphaPC 164 module with OpenVMS.
  The OpenVMS Wizard is also aware of at least one vendor erroneously
  indicating that the AlphaPC 164 is supported by OpenVMS.
  The AlphaPC 64 and the Alpha 21164 PCI reference board (EB164) and
  various other modules are supported by OpenVMS, please see the OpenVMS
  Software Product Description (SPD) for details on platform support.
  The OpenVMS SPD is available at:
  For information on the typical I/O controllers used by OpenVMS, see
  the OpenVMS SPD and the Systems and Options Catalog (SOC):
  An archive of back issues of the SOC is available.

answer written or last revised on ( 12-MAY-1999 )

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