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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DECserver downloads on OpenVMS VAX V7.1? (MOP)

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The Question is:

I have just upgrades a microvax 3180 to VMS version 7.1 from version 6.2.
However the DecServer 200s that I have attached (running VT320's thru 420's)
no longer boot...
Does 7.1 still support the DECServers or is there something else I have to
do to get them to download the software..
I have MOP working and boot VST 2000's with it...

The Answer is :

  MOP is available in DECnet Phase IV, DECnet-Plus, and in LANCP (in
  OpenVMS V6.2 and later).
  The DECserver terminal servers can be bootstrapped from MOP running
  in any of these implementations.
  If you have switched from DECnet Phase IV to DECnet-Plus as part of
  the OpenVMS VAX upgrade, you will want to check the settings for the
  DECserver download files, and check the accessability and (obviously)
  presence of the DECserver download files.  You will also want to enable
  logging of network download requests via OPCOM in DECnet, and enable an
  operator to receive these messages -- this can help track down various
  problems with servicing download requests.
  In DECnet Phase IV, the DECserver nodes are registered using NCP,
  using an entry in the DECnet node database to hold the Ethernet
  address and the names of the download files.  (DECserver terminal
  servers do not use DECnet, this presence in the DECnet database is
  so that MOP has access to the necessary information.)  A similar
  requirement for information is present in DECnet-Plus using NCL,
  and in the LANCP utility.
  The OpenVMS Wizard generally prefers to use LANCP (and also thus the
  CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN procedure for OpenVMS Cluster configuration changes)
  with OpenVMS V6.2 and later, as this means that you can separate the
  MOP download operations and the associated data from the choice of
  DECnet Phase IV or DECnet-Plus.

answer written or last revised on ( 18-MAY-1999 )

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