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HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS Cluster Version Support?

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The Question is:

I have recently been working on a site which has both 2 Alpha/OpenVMS
8200(6.2-1H3) & 2 VAX/VMS 6420(5.5-2)in a 4 node cluster (different system
disks of course but same application startups, data sharing, etc.)
I have been told that when there was an issue with cluster communications in
the past that Compaq stated that this Cluster was unsupported given the
Cluster configuration espessially the Operating System versions
Is this true?
Thanks in Advance

The Answer is :

  This configuration is considered supported ("migration support"), please
  see the OpenVMS Cluster Software Product Description (SPD) for specifics
  of the support.  SPDs for various products are available at:
  The current OpenVMS Cluster SPD is available at:
  The relevent section of the SPD contains the following text:
    "Migration support is provided for OpenVMS Cluster systems running two
    versions of the OpenVMS operating system. These versions can be:
      1. Any mix of Version 7.2, Version 7.1-2, Version 7.1-1Hx,
         Version 7.1, Version 7.0, and Version 6.2-xxx.
      2. Any mix of Version 6.2-xxx with OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2,
         Version 6.0, Version 6.1 and OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5,
         Version 6.0, Version 6.1.
    Migration support means that Compaq has qualified the two architectures
    and versions for use together in configurations that are migrating in a
    staged fashion to a higher version of OpenVMS or to Alpha systems.
    Compaq will answer problem reports submitted about these configurations.
    However, in exceptional cases, Compaq may recommend that you move your
    system to a warranted configuration as part of the solution."
  OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 and OpenVMS Alpha V6.2-1H3 do have specific known
  (minor) incompatibilities such as with initiating SYSMAN connections,
  but operations in a combined cluster are supported.

answer written or last revised on ( 18-MAY-1999 )

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