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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Interactive logins reverting to 64?

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The Question is:

The following command is in my systartup_vms.com file:
$ set logins/inter=128
Yet after a re-boot, the number of interactive logins reverts to 64.
Why? And how does one set this parameter at startup?

The Answer is : Defining the Number of Interactive Users
  By default, when the system starts up, it limits to 64 the number of
  interactive users allowed to log in.
  To change the default value for the number of interactive users that you
  permit to log in to your system at one time, define the symbol
  STARTUP$INTERACTIVE_LOGINS to be the maximum number of users in
  SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM as follows:
  where n specifies the maximum number of interactive users that can log in
  at one time.
   The number of interactive users is determined by the value authorized
   by your VAX or Alpha computer license. Therefore, setting the number
   higher than the license limit has no effect.
 The maximum number of interactive users influences the service rating that
 the LAT software assigns to a service node. The LAT software uses a ratio
 of current users to maximum users in calculating a rating. An artificially
 high user limit results in a high service rating,
 indicating---erroneously---that the service node is more able to provide
 services. For information about LAT software, see Section 24.1.

answer written or last revised on ( 20-MAY-1999 )

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