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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Problems with SCSI tapes on V7.2?

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The Question is:

  I have just installed OpenVMS 7.2.  Since the update all the SCSI tape
drives have faults on.  The first MOUNT and DISMOUNT commands seem to work
okay.  All subsequent MOUNT commands to the SAME unit return fatal drive
  I have updated the firmware to v5.3.  I have also booted the system with
an old version (6.2), and this works okay.  I have done a complete clean
install (on a blank disk), and still get the same error.
  I cannot view the error log, with the ANALYISE/ERROR command, as this
returns 'New header format found.  Install DECevent and run conversion
utility' (which I dont have a seperate license for).
  Any help you could supply would be much appreciated.
Michael Rees
Network Manager

The Answer is :

  This is not likely the console firmware involved.
  The root problem could range from a misconfigured SCSI bus to problems
  with the particular SCSI tape drive implementation to problems with the
  OpenVMS SCSI drivers.
  Information on the specific model and firmware version of the SCSI tape
  drives involved, as well as the fault(s) reported, will be necessary.
  DECevent is available on the V7.2 kit and is available for downloads from:
  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 21-MAY-1999 )

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