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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Cannot get DECwindows Motif operating?

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The Question is:

when i set the DECW$NEWDESKTOP to FALSE and i
restart decwindows (with @sys$startup:decw$startup restat)
i can't log anaymore into my alpha station
because the Digital banner never show up
is it a problem with the Xserver?

The Answer is :

  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center.
  Expect to be asked the particular version of DECwindows installed on
  the system, as well as information on whether or not any DECwindows
  ECO kit has been applied (you will want to install the current ECO),
  as well as for information on any relevent contents of the DECwindows
  log files (see SYS$STARTUP:DECW$*.LOG), for the last time AUTOGEN was
  run (with FEEDBACK), for information on the particular type of graphics
  controller installed and the particular Alpha system, for the version of
  Open3D (if required), for the current system and process quota settings
  (to make sure these meet the documented minimums), and for other related

answer written or last revised on ( 7-JUN-1999 )

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