[an error occurred while processing this directive]

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DECwindows X Server ACCVIO?

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The Question is:

I am trying to upgrade our OpenVMS Alpha from 1.5 to 6.1, using OVMS AXP
purchased by Case Western Reserve University, licence number
I have DEC3000 workstation, and I have followed the installation script
line-by-line for the rolling uppgrade
in the VMSCluster environment. After the upgrade has been completed, the
AUTOGEN report has been generated and the final automatic reboot has
been completed, I have the black screen with all output information from
the boot and mouse pointer. System doesn't respond to
neither mouse click or keybord command. However, when I have reached the
system directory from the other machine, I have found in
the DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOG this information:
1-JUN-1999 10:35:33.6 Hello, this is the X server
This is the DECwindows X11 display server for OpenVMS AXP V6.1-940402
                compiled on Apr  2 1994 at 12:12:02
Main address = 00032328
Activating extension image DECW$SVEXT_Adobe_DPS_Extension,
extension name: Adobe-DPS-Extension, entry address 0033C2A8
Activating extension image DECW$SVEXT_Xie,
extension name: Xie, entry address 004BE6D0
Activating extension image DECW$SVEXT_DEC_XTRAP,
extension name: DEC-XTRAP, entry address 005905A0
Activating extension image DECW$SVEXT_Multi_Buffering,
extension name: Multi-Buffering, entry address 005C20A0
DECW$TRANSPORT_COMMON image base address: 001E4000
DECW$TRANSPORT_DECNET image base address: 005F6000
%DECW-I-ATTACHED, transport DECNET attached to its network
DECW$TRANSPORT_LOCAL image base address: 006D4000
DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorp. AXP, Release 6.1
Shareable Image DDX GX, InitOutput loaded at 00716000
sfbvmsScreenInit: Init SFB screen number 0
DEC-XTRAP:  AddExtension assigned Major Opcode '137'
DEC-XTRAP:  Vers. 3.3-0 successfully loaded
 1-JUN-1999 10:35:54.1 Calling the dispatcher...
 1-JUN-1999 10:35:58.1 %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason
virtual address=01FFF160, PC=00000004, PS=00000000
Request opcode 74 is ignored due to internal runtime error c for client
(#error = 1)
Last sentence looks like a fatal error for me and,  I guess, describes
the reason of DECWindows failure.
But I do not quite understand what to do next to put my system back
Would you give me some ideas?
Thank you for yours time
Dr Roustem D.Saiakhov

The Answer is :

  Ensure that you have upgraded DECwindows to V1.2-3 or later, and that
  you have applied the available DECwindows ECO kit for the release in
  The OpenVMS Wizard would recommend continuing the OpenVMS Alpha upgrade
  to OpenVMS Alpha V6.2, V7.1-2, or V7.2, and then applying DECwindows
  V1.2-4 or V1.2-5, and the associated DECwindows ECO kit.

answer written or last revised on ( 7-JUN-1999 )

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