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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Logging access to an executable image?

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The Question is:

Dear Sir
     I would like to know how many users are running my image. Right now I'm
using the
command "sh dev/fil/nosys" and redirect the output to the file then I used
that file as an input
to check out. Does it have any ways else to get this information ? If I
installed my image as a
sharable image , could I get this information from the application wrote in
If so how I do that. Thanks very much.
Wichaya charnlertlakha

The Answer is :

  The INSTALL utility can list the current number of users of an image,
  as well as the maximum number of parallel users seen to date...
  Also please see the SET FILE/STATISTICS and MONITOR RMS commands for
  tracking RMS activity to files.
  System security auditing (or security alarms) can also be used to track
  access to files and images.
  And of course, you could incorporate logging directly into the image.

answer written or last revised on ( 7-JUN-1999 )

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