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HP OpenVMS Systems

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S3 Trio64V+ (9FX Motion 331) on OpenVMS?

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The Question is:

Recently installed a 9FX Motion 331 (PCI) Graphics
card into my AlphaServer 1200, and now my
VT320 console no longer displays operator
messages. (It did prior to installing the
How can I get my operator's console messages
to be displayed again?

The Answer is :

  The 9FX Motion 331 is better known as the S3 Trio64V+, or PB2GA-JD.
  To enable OPCOM on the console, remember to enable broadcasts on the
  console via SET TERMINAL OPA0:/PERMANENT/BROADCAST, and to set the
  appropriate OPC$ logical names in SYLOGICALS.COM (SYLOGICALS.TEMPLATE).
  Many folks prefer to use a serial console line (separate from the
  workstation display) or the DECwindows console application.

answer written or last revised on ( 9-JUN-1999 )

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