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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Tru64 Unix device support?

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The Question is:

We bought a DS20. We have several large disk
drives and tape drives from our SGI Origin
server which we wish to move to DEC.
These drives are external single ended
SCSI devices 68 pin.
Our DEC machine has been bought with 3
extra single ended UltraSCSI cards.
Does Tru64 Unix OS have the requiste drivers
for running 3rd party SCSI devices.
What happens to the warranty on the DS20
(I am not so concerned about the devices that
 we plan to attach)

The Answer is :

  You have reached the OpenVMS Wizard, not the Tru64 Unix hardware support
  and driver Wizard -- please contact Compaq Customer Support Organization
  for assistance with this question.

answer written or last revised on ( 7-JUN-1999 )

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