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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Problems with Novell due to Cisco or DECserver?

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The Question is:

Question regarding DECSERVER 300 and a network.
I have a customer that has a MV3100/40 using a
DECSERVER/DECMUX 300 and have dumb terminals and printers cabled to it. It
is connected to the network via a coax cable from a DESTA to the VAX and
then into a 10BaseT Hub.  The other end of the coax is connected to a DECHUB
90 and eventually to some fibe
r.  The network has been working fine until a couple months ago.  They have
recently added a Novell 4.11 patch 5b to the network and manufacturing
software on the Novell server.  They have also added a Cisco switch on the
network.  On the switch some "spa
nning tree/portfast" switches/software had to be changed.  The question I
have is: Are there any settings (lat commands) on the DECSERVER/HUB 300 that
also need to used? (or should the DECSERVER 300 pass packets okay over the
network.  On the Novell serve
r when things are busy, Netware users are also loosing priviledges.  ie
someone logged into the admin account may or may not have full priviledges.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

The Answer is :

  You have reached the OpenVMS Wizard, not the Cisco or Novell Wizard.
  Discussions of Cisco switches and appropriate settings for DECserver
  devices, as well as discussions of (the loss of) Novell user privileges,
  are well outside OpenVMS, please contact the Compaq Customer Support
  Center for assistance.
  The OpenVMS Wizard would assume that the DECserver can and should be
  completely and entirely oblivious to any switches or bridges embedded
  within the Ethernet network.  The OpenVMS Wizard would further assume
  that the DECserver devices have nothing to do with Novell privileges,
  as the DECserver devices typically have no specific knowlege of the
  privileges used within Novell networks.

answer written or last revised on ( 10-JUN-1999 )

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