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HP OpenVMS Systems

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zip and bilf?

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The Question is:

I am trying to unzip a file from the real world into VMS and I get an
Error:  zipfile is in variable-length record format.  Please run "bilf l
DKA100:[000000]ANTS132A.ZIP;1" to convert the zipfile to stream-LF record
format.  (bilf.c and  make_bilf.com are included in the VMS UnZip source
I can NOT find anything, zero, zip on BILF!  Where and how can I find it!

The Answer is :

  The usual approach involves ensuring the zip file transfer is performed
  via ftp binary mode -- failure to transfer the zip file using binary mode
  is the most common cause of this error.
  When this zip error does crop up, the use of SET FILE/ATTRIBUTES=RFM:STMLF
  on the target file can sometimes resolve the error.  (Before attempting to
  modify the file attributes, make sure you have saved a copy of the file
  Versions of the bilf tool are around for a wide variety of platforms,
  including OpenVMS.

answer written or last revised on ( 10-JUN-1999 )

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