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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Accessing TCP/IP Cluster Alias from Windows?

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The Question is:

I am running a pair of clustered AlphaServer 2100 4/233 servers with OVMS
6.2 (PWv5.0d) configured as backup domain controllers in a primarily NT
domain environment. All security is through NT with the exception of
Enhanced LANMAN for quota control. Both
boxes have Netbeui, Decnet, and IP (UCX v4.1) protocols enabled. The problem
I am having is that I cannot get the Windows95 clients running IP protocol
(by itself) to see the cluster alias, however each cluster node themselves,
are accessible. If Netbeui
or Decnet is installed, the problem disappears. Any ideas or suggestions
with be appreciated?
Thanks, Scott M

The Answer is :

  Acquire and apply the most recent TCP/IP package -- the OpenVMS Wizard
  would recommend V4.2 with the current ECO for OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 -- and
  make sure you have a TCP/IP Cluster Alias Configured.
  Then test the local TCP/IP configuration from another OpenVMS or network
  node, to ensure that it is correctly configured and operating -- try to
  determine if the problem is in the OpenVMS or Windows end of the network
  For assistance configurating the cluster alias, please visit:
  and please specifically see the TCP/IP V5.0 documentation:
  Commands -- particularly the use of the TCPIP utility rather than the
  older UCX utility used on TCP/IP Services versions prior to V5.0 -- will
  differ somewhat as the above documentation is for TCP/IP Services V5.0.
  If the problem persists, please contact the Compaq Customer Support
  Center for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 11-JUN-1999 )

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