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Restoring BACKUP of bound volume set?

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The Question is:

How do I restore an image backup to a bound
disk volume set?
  Say I have created the bound volume, USERS,
with the command: "$ Mount/bind=USERS DUA0:,
DUA1: users1, users2."
  Say I dutifully backup the volume with the
command: "Backup/Image USERS tape:total.bck/save."
  How can I now restore my image saveset to
to recreate the bound volume set?
  Was I supposed to have backed up each disk
individually, instead of using the logical
volume name, and now I'm screwed?  (In which
case, I wish that the System Manager's Manual
had forwarned me.) Or is there some trick to
this that I'm missing?
  Thank you.

The Answer is :

  You're in fine shape. BACKUP figured out that USERS is a volume set and
  backed up the whole thing.  You can inspect the save set with BACKUP/LIST
  to convince yourself of this.
  There is one wrinkle you need to know when you restore the save set: in
  an image restore, BACKUP does the initialization and manages the file
  structure. Thus, you need to give BACKUP the right number of volumes to
  restore onto. (You can't change the number of volumes in a volume set in
  an image restore.) The commands to restore the set would look like:

answer written or last revised on ( 21-JUN-1999 )

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