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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Preparing for disk defragementation?

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The Question is:

We currently have the latest version of DFO on
our ALPHA system and plan to actually use it for
routine maintenance (we have had a very old
version sitting around for the past 2 years and
nothing was done with it).  After doing a defrag
analysis, we found out that most of our frequently
accessed disks are highly fragmented (in the high 80% fragment
 index).  I heard before a defrag is actually
run, an analyze/repair should be done on the
disk.  Is there anything else that should be
run/considered before the defrag is actually run?
I want to be careful because there is such a high
fragmentation.  We are also planning to disable
logins for the first full run of the defrag.
Also, is there any online doco available
outlining the specifics and options of DFO?

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard generally prefers to perform a BACKUP/IMAGE backup
  followed by a restore -- this has several benefits, including providing
  you with known-good, complete, and entirely consistent disk BACKUPs.
  (OpenVMS VAX Standalone BACKUP or the OpenVMS Alpha bootable environment
  CD-ROM is prefered for use with a system disk, obviously.)
  Information on the defragmentation package is included in the package
  documentation -- online copies of this documentation are not currently
  available at the OpenVMS website.

answer written or last revised on ( 21-JUN-1999 )

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