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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Enabling virtual terminals (disconnect) on LAT?

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The Question is:

We are running Alpha OpenVMS V7.1.  We have set up the virtual terminal
driver to start on boot up but our LAT terminals do not automatically create
a virtual terminal port at login.  I have found information on setting up
Telnet in UCX but not LAT.  What
 am I doing wrong?  In VAX VMS 5.5 I don't remember having to do anything
special with LAT after loading the virtual terminal driver on the system.
Thanks in Advance

The Answer is :

    You need to specify "DISCONNECT" as a default terminal characteristic.
    Set bit 17 of TTY_DEFCHAR2. Just add %X20000 to the current value.

answer written or last revised on ( 17-JUN-1999 )

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