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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Problems with HSC95?

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The Question is:

Our HSC95 Version V860 (one of two on this cluster of 5 nodes and 4 TA91
drives) has crashed a few times recently and has displayed the following
error upon reboot:
SINI-E  Seq 1, at 17-Nov-1858 00:00:02.00, Out-of band 000602
Software inconsistency
Process CAUPD
PC 010316
PSW 1000000
Stack dump: 020021 016302 052525
Can you help me? Notice the date above? Thanks!

The Answer is :

  Please contact your hardware support organization or the Compaq
  Customer Support Center for assistance -- this could be a hardware
  problem, or it may be firmware problem.

answer written or last revised on ( 21-JUN-1999 )

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