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HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS and Windows NT comparision?

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The Question is:

I like to learn about Open WMS systems, but my
question is what is the differences and
similarities between Open VMS systems and
Windows NT systems. How does it handle interrupts,
messages, memory menangement, I/O ect...
Could you please send me information about this.
Thank you already

The Answer is :

  Please see the OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual or various other
  programming and system management manuals available as a start.
  Documentation on differences is not particularly useful without some
  idea of the goal -- this question can range from the similarities of
  programming interfaces such as those of ANSI C, to the availability
  of a Win32 API on OpenVMS, to discussions of the similarities and the
  differences in the Windows and OpenVMS operating system kernels.
  In other words, a discussion of the differences (and the similarities)
  between Compaq OpenVMS and Microsoft Windows NT ranges from a couple
  of paragraphs to an MBA or PhD thesis.
  For a related discussion, please see the OpenVMS FAQ discussion of
  comparisons of OpenVMS and Unix.

answer written or last revised on ( 28-JUN-1999 )

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