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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Freeing up (or deleting) a stuck process?

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The Question is:

We have a suspended process holding a tape deck, the dcl stop ignores the
request to kill it. Can we free the deck without a reboot  ?
I think i've seen this when browsing DSN but our AES is not ready to use
just now.
Fraser Hind.

The Answer is :

  If you have a suspended process, then simply resume and kill it.
  If instead of a suspended process, you actually have a process stuck
  in a resource wait state, try using DECamds to clear the problem.
  (Determining why the process is stuck in a resource wait will go
  far to permanently resolving this.)
  If you have a device owned by a non-existent process, there were
  tools for certain OpenVMS versions that were known to be subject
  to this -- OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 is not among these, however.  (The
  most common way to encounter this at present is through the
  (mis)use of the SHARE privilege -- the original process accessing
  the device should be the last process to deassign the device, not
  the process overriding and accessing the device via SHARE.)
  The approach must likely to succeeed is to reboot the system.
  If you choose to reboot, make sure you follow the instructions
  for writing a system crashdump, and then submit the crashdump
  with a problem report.

answer written or last revised on ( 21-JUN-1999 )

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