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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Firmware revisions of SCSI devices?

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The Question is:

How do I find out the current version of firmware on a TZ87 tape device?

The Answer is :

  This information may be obtainable from the system console of the
  particular VAX model in use, using a SHOW or similar console command.
  Or this information may be visible in the system error log, using
  ANALYZE/ERROR or DECevent.  Failing either of these, the only way
  likely to obtain this data is by using a SCSI INQUIRY request, and
  inquiring directly of the SCSI device.
  The (unsupported) program SCSI_INFO.EXE can obtain this and other
  information from most SCSI devices -- to use this tool, set up a
  DCL symbol:
  Then specify a command such as:
    $ SI ddcu:
  where ddcu: is the target SCSI device.  SCSI_INFO.EXE will then report
  the product revision level, obtained from bytes 0x20 thru 0x23 of
  the SCSI INQUIRY data (interpreted as ASCII characters).  0x20 and
  0x21 are the drive revision; 0x22 and 0x23 are the controller revision.
  SCSI_INFO.EXE is available in OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 and
  later releases.
  If SCSI_INFO.EXE does not suffice, or if you need help in interpreting
  the reported values, please contact your local hardware support
  organization or the Compaq Customer Support Center.

answer written or last revised on ( 23-JUN-1999 )

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