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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Java for OpenVMS VAX?

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The Question is:

Does OpenVMS for VAX support Java? (I know that it does on Alpha machines).
If not, are there any plans to implement Java on VAX machines?

The Answer is :

  The Java language definition requires a floating point format (IEEE)
  that is not native to VAX, and this would require the emulation of all
  floating point operations within Java applications.  Further, the C
  source code used to implement for Java itself is heavily dependent on
  passing IEEE floating point values around among the many internal
  subroutines, and adding support for VAX would entail changes to the
  DEC C compiler for OpenVMS VAX -- and to the VAX VCG code generator
  that is used by DEC C on OpenVMS VAX systems -- to add support for
  passing IEEE floating point doubles.  Alternatively, extensive changes
  to the Java source code to remove the assumption that the double is an
  IEEE floating point value.
  There are currently no plans to make a version of Java available for
  OpenVMS VAX.  (A prototype version of Java was created for OpenVMS VAX,
  and performance was found to be inadequate at best.)
  If Java2 or other environment lifts the requirements for IEEE floating
  point as part of the language definition, this decision may be revisited.

answer written or last revised on ( 29-JUN-1999 )

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