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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Purify (C memory monitor) for OpenVMS?

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The Question is:

Is there a software package available on
ALPHAs running VMS that can detect
memory leaks and read/write access violations.
On WINDOWS NT, I have used purify and
bounds checker to do this.   Is there a
VMS equivalent of purify out there?
I have tried the VMS Heap_Analyzer but I don't
think that will help me.

The Answer is :

  The Debugger Heap Analyzer is the usual approach for this -- the
  FAKE_VMS tool is also occasionally used, as is the CMEM tool on
  the OpenVMS Freeware.
  The OpenVMS Wizard strongly recommends consolidating all memory
  allocation and deallocation into central routines -- this greatly
  reduces the difficulty involved in managing dynamic memory, and
  permits use of replacement services such as the lib$ services.

answer written or last revised on ( 22-JUN-1999 )

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