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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Problems with RMS File Access? (Oracle RDBaccess)

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The Question is:

Recently upgraded from OpenVMS 6.2 to 7.2 and now we cannot access data via
the SQL Server (6.1) and the DBI Gateway for RMS. (3.0D) We use CDO files
and things worked before the upgrade and now we get an ODBC error trying to
connect.  "[DEC][ODBC][Rdb]%R
database known to RDBACCESS" "-NSDS-E-MDIFAIL, Failed to load the data
definitions" "-SYSTEM-F-ABORT, abort" "-NSDS-E-PARSERERR, Parser error
encountered" "-NSDS-E-CANTOPEN"  Now, the in
teresting thing about this is if I user a user that we had always been
using, but not the owner of the files (ACL's to let them in) I get the
error.  But, the owner of the files can get in just fine.  We are really
stumped and don't know who to ask.

The Answer is :

  Please contact Oracle Rdb support for assistance, as this appears to
  relate to products owned and supported by Oracle.
  As for tracking problems related to security access and specifically
  to problems of file access security, consider configuring and enabling
  OpenVMS Security Alarms (SET and SHOW AUDIT), enabling a security
  operator (REPLY/ENABLE=SECURITY), and repeating the access attempt.
  With file access failure security alarms enabled, the security operator
  should be notified of the details of the particular security failure.

answer written or last revised on ( 28-JUN-1999 )

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