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Queue manager OPCOM, message from symbiont?

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The Question is:

Received an OPCOM message:
%%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  25-JUN-1999 12:56:14.77  %%%%%%%%%%%
Message from user QUEUE_MANAGE on GURNSY
%QMAN-I-INVSMBMSG, invalid data 3 in message from symbiont on queue GWDOFFL1
is being ignored
Help on the message, indicates
"report the occurrence of this message to
the symbiont developer, or ask the system manager to do so." (GWDOFFL1 is a
printer que).
This occurred once only - any idea what caused
the problem or how I can report it?  I know I could open a trouble ticket,
but I don't think
it's a problem that warents one.  I would just like to report it.

The Answer is :

  The symbiont in question displayed a "3" to its output device -- OpenVMS
  symbionts (user-written or OpenVMS-provided) normally do not display any
  output, and the OpenVMS queue manager is coded to warn of any incidence
  of output from a symbiont.  This output may or may not indicate a
  problem with the symbiont, but obviously this output is unusual.
  Check with the maintainers of the print symbiont for assistance.
  If this is an OpenVMS-provided symbiont, check for available ECOs for
  the symbiont and for the queue manager, and check around for any local
  software packages that might define logical names such as SMBSRVSHR,
  and check for any associated .DMP files that could have resulted from
  a failure.

answer written or last revised on ( 29-JUN-1999 )

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