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HP OpenVMS Systems

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SECURESHRP is not installed (correctly)?

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The Question is:

Can install sys$share:secureshrp.exe as privileged
image. ( by  using /priv=all during install).
I have following problem when I run one image which
is installed as sharable.
%DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image SECURESHRP
-SYSTEM-F-PRIVINSTALL, shareable images must be installed to run privileged
But the image secureshrp.exe is installed as
Any explaination about this kind of message?

The Answer is :

  The SECURESHRP image is expected and is normally installed as required
  entirely automatically during the standard OpenVMS system startup.
  Given this, it would appear this system is not running the standard
  (full) OpenVMS system startup, or the standard OpenVMS startup has been
  altered in an unsupported and undocumented fashion, or there is a
  (privileged) logical name redirecting the SECURESHRP activation.
  The OpenVMS Wizard would (re)check the installation settings of the
  SECURESHRP image (again), would check the file protection and the ACL
  for the image for at least world execute and (better) read access, and
  would also check the directory protections above the image to ensure
  that world execute or read access is permitted via the protection mask
  or via ACL.
  The OpenVMS Wizard would also ensure that there are no versions of the
  SECURESHRP image in the SYS$SPECIFIC: areas, nor that there are any
  SECURESHRP logical names defined.
  On OpenVMS Alpha V7.2, the SECURESHRP image has the following attributes:
    Open, Hdr, SharAddr, Prot, Lnkbl, Resid
  Note: SharAddr first appears in OpenVMS, and Resid means that the system
  must be rebooted to reload the image.  Lnkbl is set appropriately by
  OpenVMS, automatically.

answer written or last revised on ( 6-JUL-1999 )

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