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HP OpenVMS Systems

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V7.2 MOUNT and VOLALRMNT errors on CD-ROM media?

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The Question is:

With the introduction of OpenVMS VAX 7.2 the
MOUNT command would not allow mounting of
multiply CD-ROMS.  The second mount gets the
"VOLALRMNT" message even though the labels are
There has been a patch out for ALPHA for some
time.  When My I expect a mount patch for
VAX V7.2?

The Answer is :

  This is a known conflict between the way that MOUNT derives the necessary
  lock resource name from the contents of the disk volume storage control
  block (SCB), and the way that the SET VOLUME/LABEL command updates (or
  does not update) the SCB.
  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center for assistance, and
  for the availability of an ECO for this.

answer written or last revised on ( 8-JUL-1999 )

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