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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Remote (Network) File and Device Access?

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The Question is:

I want to send a message in a text file that appears in the screen of
another terminal in other network node. I was trying it with the copy
command, the text file and the terminal's id, it works, like this:
$ copy/log  file.txt  TNA8090:
but the problem is when i want to send the message to a terminal in another
node, could you tell me if there is some format command that can let me do

The Answer is :

  When posing questions, please always indicate the general problem that
  is to be solved, in addition to the specific question(s) you might have.
  This background greatly assists the OpenVMS Wizard is providing you with
  an appropriate answer for your question -- various alternatives may well
  be available.
  The requested task requires a server, a package or process or application
  on the remote end that assists in servicing the request to display the
  information on the remote terminal.  Further, in OpenVMS, the basic task
  involved here itself requires enhanced privileges, when there is a user
  logged in on the target terminal.
  You could potentially use the DECnet File Access Listener (FAL) as the
  remote server:
    $ COPY/LOG file.txt node::TXA4:
  FAL is how DECnet systems can perform remote file operations, including
  record-level file sharing and device-level access.
  The TNA8090: device is a Telnet device, which indicates the network is
  at least partially based on IP networking.  IP does not include a direct
  analog to FAL, the closest equivilent to FAL is the FTP server.
  If the target system is OpenVMS, tools such as DECnet task-to-task
  (possible from DCL) as well as tools such as rexec can often be of
  assistance with performing specific tasks on remote nodes.  Using DECnet
  task-to-task, a client and a server -- possibly written entirely in DCL
  -- are in communication, and can perform most any task that a local
  application or DCL command procedure can itself perform.
  There are various books and manuals available on this topic, and there
  is an example of DCL task-to-task on the OpenVMS Freeware, specifically
  see the [SRH_EXAMPLES]XQTYPE.COM procedure.
  There are also IRC, SEND amd similar tools available for OpenVMS from
  various sources, as well as for other platforms obviously.

answer written or last revised on ( 16-JUL-1999 )

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