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HP OpenVMS Systems

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More and larger PAGEFILE files?

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The Question is:

VMS ignores our efforts to create more than 3 pagefiles.  Also, we get a
double entry from SHOW MEMORY for our first pagefile, vz.:
Paging File Usage     Free  Reservable    Total
                    945114      800659  1048568
                         6        -120        8
                    456387      380705   499992
                    957567      803764  1048568
DUMP/HEADER shows the first pagefile in 2 fragments, 600000 and 448576
blocks.  The disk is an RF73.  The computer is a VAX 4000-600A with 288 MB
running 6.2.  The question is, what could keep us from creating additional
pagefiles on any of the other 14 d
isks?  No error messages, they just don't show up on SHOW MEMORY.  And what
causes the double entry for the first pagefile?  Are the two problems
related?  For now, we plan to recreate the pagefile on DISK$SYS1: at 1048568
blocks instead of AUTOGEN's 1048
576, but we'd like to understand why AUTOGEN doesn't seem to work as

The Answer is :

  Please confirm that the system parameter PAGFILCNT is set sufficiently
  large value using MODPARAMS.DAT, and that one or more AUTOGEN passes
  have been subsequently run.
  The data structures that describe a pagefile can contend with pagefiles
  of 0x0FFFFF blocks (1048575 blocks), pagefiles larger than this will be
  segmented into the appearance of multiple smaller pagefiles, with each
  segment counted against PAGFILCNT.
  The details on this are in the Internals and Data Structures Manual, see
  the section on memory management data structures and specifically see the
  details of the pagefile control blocks.

answer written or last revised on ( 22-JUL-1999 )

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