[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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DECnet-Plus Alignment Error OPCOM?

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The Question is:

What does the following message mean:
Alignment Error from:Node LOCAL:.VHP1 CSMA-CD Station EWA-0

The Answer is :

  That is not specifically an OpenVMS error, though it appears very close
  to a valid DECnet-Plus OPCOM message.
  The DECnet-Plus OPCOM message indicates that a packet that is not a
  multiple of 8 bits in length was received via the EWA-0 controller.
  This message can point to a hardware or network problem, or potentially
  to a software problem.
  Acquire any available ECO kits for DECnet-Plus and for relevent device
  drivers and install them, ensure that the network is valid, and confirm
  that the hardware itself is functioning correctly.

answer written or last revised on ( 22-JUL-1999 )

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