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DECnet-Plus UNREACHABLE error?

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The Question is:

ATST03> set host ATST01
%SYSTEM-F-UNREACHABLE, remote node is not currently reachable
But "ATST03> set host 12.34" works!
ATST03 is a VAX 7.1 with OSI and I added with
decnet_register the node ATST01 with PhaseIV
address 12.34 (ATST01 is a VAX 6.2 with IV)
All other similar connection attempts to other
hosts works.
All the other hosts I added in exactly the same manner with decnet_register,
there is no difference between the hosts that works and the host ATST01.
Its clear this is a naming service problem but
how can I remedy this?

The Answer is :

  Acquire and install any available ECO kit for DECnet-Plus.
  DECnet-Plus will only try the second tower if the node is unreachable.
  What happens when you use NCL to flush sess con nam cac en "*"?
  This can also arise from an incorrect softlink.
  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center for further assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 22-JUL-1999 )

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