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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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The Question is:

Hello Wizard,
We are getting errors printing to a remote host
( A HP Laserjet printer with jet direct cfg)
over the internet using UCX LPD printing.
All other printers on the Local LAN are setup in
the same way as this printer and they work fine.
I am not sure if this is the correct method to
also print to a remote host which is a HP Laser Jet printer.
Please advice
The error in the log file is:
UCX-F-LPD_BADHOST, Unknown host
The printcap.dat file is setup with following information:
I can ping the host over IP successfully!!!
Any help on this whould be greatly appreciated.

The Answer is :

  Given the use of "UCX", the OpenVMS Wizard will assume a version of
  TCP/IP Services prior to V5.0 is in use -- in V5.0 and later, the
  product prefix and the associated command verb is TCPIP, not UCX.
  Information on configuring printers is available at:
  The SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$LPRSETUP.EXE tool (UCX$LPRSETUP on earlier versions)
  is probably the easiest way to configure the printer.
  The printer is usually configured via the IP host name, not the IP address.
  Ensure that you have the current ECO kit for the version of IP in use.
  That said, Postscript printers normally use the DCPS package -- the OpenVMS
  Wizard would not generally recommend using TCP/IP directly with Postscript
  devices.  (Though recent versions of DCPS can operate via IP...)
  Also see other discussions around the use of HP printers, particularly
  around formfeed handling and printer firmware version requirements.

answer written or last revised on ( 22-JUL-1999 )

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