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DCPS and PCL Character Set Selection?

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The Question is:

We use DCPS (V. 1.7) to print from some OpenVMS
mashines on various HP LaserJet printers.
How can we invoke the german specific signs
DdVv\| ?
Thanks a lot.

The Answer is :

  The DCPS guide includes information on how to embed PCL commands, via
  the use of the DCPS-Plus ANSI Translator.  See below.
  Check the printer PCL documentation for the sequence used to select
  the character set -- on various printers, the sequence
    ESC ) 1 G
  selects the ISO 21 German character set as the secondary set.
  Check with HP support for assistance and PCL information specific to
  the printer, and for information on PCL itself.
  Selection of the PC-8 Danish/Norwegian character set, from the _DECprint
  Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS System Manager's Guide_  documentation:
   "The default character set for PCL files is Roman-8. The default
   character set for Proprinter files is code page 437, character
   set 1. To change the default character set, use the following
   1.   Create one device control library for PCL setup modules, one
        for Proprinter modules, and another library for PostScript
	modules. Use the following commands:
   2.   Edit DCPS$STARTUP.COM to include these libraries, as follows:
                              "PCL_LIB/DATA=PCL", -
                              "PRO_LIB/DATA=PRO", -
        The PostScript device control library (PS_LIB) must be last in
	the search list.
   3.   Create the following setup modules:
      o  The DEF_CHAR_SET.PCL file selects the PC-8 Danish/Norwegian
         character set:
         Replace <ESC> with the escape character (decimal 27).
       o The DEF_CHAR_SET.PRO file selects code page 850:
           -  Replace <ESC> with the escape character (decimal 27).
           -  Replace <ETX> with the etx character (decimal 3).
           -  Replace <NUL> with the null character (decimal 0).
           -  Replace <CR> with the carriage return character (decimal 13).
        o The DEF_CHAR_SET.PS PostScript file is used for
           printing files that are neither PCL nor Proprinter.
   4.   Put these modules in the appropriate device control libraries,
        using the LIBRARY command as shown in the following example:
   5.   Create a form definition that includes DEF_CHAR_SET as the setup
        module. You can associate this form with your printer execution
        queue as follows:
          $ DEFINE/FORM DEF_CHAR_SET form_number -
        To make this change to the queue permanent, specify this form in
        the execution queue definition in the DCPS$STARTUP.COM file.
   "Using Escape Sequences to Modify PCL Print Jobs
   The format of the front panel mode escape sequence is:
   Escape Sequence Format
   ESC       !       `       value       P
   Decimal Values
   027       033    096                   080
        This format shows spaces between the elements of the
        command for clarity. Do not include spaces in your
        actual command.
   Specify front panel settings by following these steps:
   1.   Enable front panel mode by specifying the Front Panel Mode escape
        sequence with 1 for  value.
   2.   Enter the PCL escape sequence to set the print attribute.
   3.   Disable front panel mode by specifying the Front Panel Mode escape
        sequence with 0 for  value.
   Front panel mode is also disabled by the PCL reset escape sequence (ESC E).
   You can include PCL escape sequences for any of the following print
    ·   Symbol set
    ·   Spacing
    ·   Pitch
    ·   Height
    ·   Style
    ·   Stroke weight
    ·   Typeface (Courier and Lineprinter only)
    ·   Horizontal motion index
    ·   Vertical motion index
   PCL escape sequences allow you to specify both a primary and a secondary
   font. Escape sequences for both types of fonts can be included in the
   front panel mode escape sequence for selecting a default font.
   For example, a PCL escape sequence that sets the pitch to 16.66
   characters per inch (cpi) and ISO 17 Spanish symbol set is formatted
   as follows:
   ESC ! ` 1 P ESC (s16.66H ESC (2S ESC ! ` 0 P
        This format shows spaces between the elements of the
        command for clarity. Do not include spaces in your
        actual command.
   This command includes escape sequences that do the following:
    ·   Enable front panel mode
    ·   Set 16.66 cpi (ESC (s16.66H)
    ·   Specify the ISO 17 symbol set (ESC (2S)
    ·   Disable front panel mode

answer written or last revised on ( 27-JUL-1999 )

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