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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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API for wildcard access to logical name tables?

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The Question is:

Dear Mr. Wizard:
Inside an image, is there _any_ method of obtaining
a list of the logicals contained in a specified
name table short of a call to lib$spawn ("show log *")
and parsing the output ?
DCL obviously does this, so it should be possible.
The only hint I see is an apparently undocumented
itemlist entry type for $trnlnm, LNM$_LNMB_ADDR.
(from lnmdef.h) However, I find no definition for
an LNMB structure.  Any pointers ?
I would be willing to entertain unsupported solutions
involving reading vms internal data structures if
no other possiblity exists.
Thanks !
-- Pat

The Answer is :

  There is no supported way.
  The mechanism used by SHOW LOGICAL involves kernel-mode code that
  traverses the internal logical name data structures.
  If you wish to perform this, the OpenVMS Source Listings CD-ROM set
  provides access to the source listings code, and the Internals and
  Data Structures Manual may be of interest.  This code will very likely
  require CMKRNL privilege or kernel-mode access, and may/will require
  recompilation and relinking as OpenVMS is upgraded or ECOs applied.
  The OpenVMS Wizard would not be surprised to learn that there exists
  code to perform this task from DECUS or elsewhere.

answer written or last revised on ( 28-JUL-1999 )

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