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HP OpenVMS Systems

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The Question is:

I have a VMS 7.1 system in our cluster.  This system has its own queues.
The file SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER.QMAN$JOURNAL is 40240 blocks long, and badly
fragmented (DFO indicates it is the most fragmented file on the disk).  I've
seen the patch ALPQMAN04_070, wh
ich includes ALPMAN01_062, which addresses a problem of this file growing to
~41K blocks.  This system used to be 6.2, to this is the likely cause of the
file expanding in size.
But now I seem to be past being able to install this patch.  More to the
point, I don't seem to be able to decouple this file from the queue_manager
process, which has this file open (even if I try to stop/queue/manager,
which stops the queues but leaves
queue_manager process running).
How can I get the queue manager to open a new (hopefully smaller)
SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER.QMAN$JOURNAL file?  Or at least let me make the file
Thank you,  Brent.

The Answer is :

	$ run sys$system:jbc$command
	jbc$command> DIAG 7

answer written or last revised on ( 29-JUL-1999 )

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