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DEC ACB and remote terminal access?

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The Question is:

In a 2 Member Alpha-Cluster under OpenVMS 7.1-2
we are running the automatic callback software
ACB V2.3-001 (from DEC). ACB is controlling the devices where the asynch
modems are hooked up to.
In its ACB$UAF.DAT database it has definitions for each user and device.
Each node has an asynch board with 8 ports that show up as TXA0: to TXA7: on
each node. We would like to make use of the cluster functionalities and use
ACB across the cluster. Howev
er, for that, we would need a way to configure the devices on each node so
that they show as node specific devices
such as TXBn: and TXAn: or node$TXA:.
I tried using device logical names, but ACB only works with real/actual
can you help me or give me a hint on how to solv this problem.
thanx.... Joe

The Answer is :

  Terminal devices are not served within a cluster, and are not
  available remotely -- save via techniques such as DECnet FAL
  through the use of RMS remote device access, or via an application
  One option might include the use of terminal servers and LAT.
  Another would be the installation of ACB on multiple nodes in
  the cluster.

answer written or last revised on ( 10-AUG-1999 )

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