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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Netscape Commerce Server Key Formats?

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The Question is:

We've used  Netscape Commerce-Server 1.12 to generate a
certificate request.
Our application needs 2 files (certifacat and PrivateKeyFile)
in the PEM-Format for SSL-encoding.
With the NS Commerce-Server we generated the
private key with
     And then enter the command:
then we got a file called serverkey.der,
Now my question:
How do i convert this serverkey.der file in a PEM-Format -file
like serverkey.pem ?

The Answer is :

  Once the key file has been generated, you use the administration server
  to send the certificate request to a certificate authority (CA) via email.
  You can send the email request to SYSTEM or other local OpenVMS username
  and then forward it from there to the IP address for the CA -- this will
  permit you to reforward the request should there be SMTP problems.
  Further information is included in the Commerce Server documentation.

answer written or last revised on ( 13-AUG-1999 )

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