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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Bogus CPU time in print job accounting?

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The Question is:

Running OpenVMS 7.1-1H2 on Alpha 255/233.
The accounting records for print jobs show reasonable start and finish
times, along with elapsed
time consistent with these start/finish times. However .. the processor time
(for a print job that
takes a few seconds to complete) is listed as several hours.
Finish Time: 11-aug-1999  10:06:52.17
Start Time:   11-aug-1999 10:06:48.24
Elapsed Time: 0 00:00:03.93
Processor Time: 0 13:10:00.00           <---- a trifle long here, eh?
Final Status Code: 00040001
Final Status Text: %JBC-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion
This print job job was sent by LPR (Process Software/Cisco/TGV Multinet) to
a remote printer.
What is actually being measured here?
(Batch jobs, interactive processes seem to have reasonable values in the
accounting report..)

The Answer is :

  This is a known problem and a problem report (PTR 75-3-3075) is currently
  outstanding.  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center for further
  assistance with this.
  Pending resolution, using an OpenVMS VAX system to generate the reports
  will typically work correctly.

answer written or last revised on ( 17-AUG-1999 )

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