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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Help with third-party product? (MultiNet)

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The Question is:

Dear Wizard,
            I have an applicaton created on a VAX using UCX, but want to
port it to Multinet (that's what the client is using).  The only part of my
build that references UCX directly is in the link; the UCX library
UCX$LIB.OLB is linked in.  I'm not fami
liar with Multinet, so I don't know the name of the library I need to use;
e.g., MULTINET$LIB.OLB.  Finding the library shouldn't be a problem but can
you tell me if there is anything else I need to do for a port  (and/or if
there are any other libraries
I need to worry about)?
             Thanks,  Dave Katelansky

The Answer is :

  Please contact MultiNet support for assistance with MultiNet.

answer written or last revised on ( 13-AUG-1999 )

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