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HP OpenVMS Systems

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TCP/IP and DHCP? (WinGate)

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The Question is:

I am behind a proxy (Wingate) and using TCP Services 4.2. I have a program
that needs access to Internet via HTTP but, even configuring the proxy
address and port on this program, I get the following error:
gethostbyname : non-translatable VMS error code 0x182B2
How can I also tell to UCX FTP client to access the internet via the proxy
server ? (Proxy is already configured, since NT clients work)

The Answer is :

  An OpenVMS System running TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS can operate from
  behind a WinGate proxy server.
  To use FTP from an OpenVMS system through WinGate, you will need to use
  two steps. You must first start by FTPing to the WinGate system, then
  enter the "correct" target to the WinGate prompt. In this example, the
  real target is account "wizard" on node and the address of the
  WinGate node is
    $ ftp
    220 WinGate Engine FTP Gateway ready
    Connected to
    Name ( wizard@
    331 Username WIZARD requires a Password.
    230 User logged in.
  For HTTP use, your web browser should have its proxy set to the address
  of the WinGate system (in this example, You may need to
  configure the WinGate system to cascade to another proxy server (though
  if it is already working for other systems, it is probably already correct).
  TCP/IP Services should be configured to have the default gateway and DNS
  name server settings point to the WinGate system.  (For information on
  this topic, see "Configuring TCP/IP default route (gateway)?" here in the
  Ask The Wizard area -- most sites will use UCX$CONFIG (pre-V5.0) or (in
  V5.0 and later) TCPIP$CONFIG for this purpose.)
  For simplicity, you will probably initially want to use only numeric IP
  addresses.   Once you have that configuration working, then you can add
  the use DNS and the associated host name translations.

answer written or last revised on ( 23-AUG-1999 )

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