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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Determining product(s) authorized by PAK? (NAS)

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The Question is:

I cannot remember the way to check to see what products are licensed when
you have a license with a product name of NET-APP-SUP-250 (Part#
I remember there is something in SYS$UPDATE, I remember reading this and
doing it, can you please tell me how?

The Answer is :

  In general, the best approach is via the relevent Software Product
  Description (SPD).
  SPDs are available at:
  The (undocumented) approach -- the approach you appear to be remembering
  -- involves searching the file SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL_LMFGROUPS.COM for the
  contents of the licence PAK groups, but this may or may not reflect the
  official product list included in the relevent SPD.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-AUG-1999 )

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