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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Older OpenVMS and DECwindows Support? (PMAG)

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The Question is:

DECmotif V1.2 Installed.
Alpha Model : DEC3000 Model 600
TURBO Option #0 : PMAG-B VGA option module.
When VMS comes up, DECmotif WILL NOT start
automaticaly with I/O Module Rev "E".
When VMS comes up, DECmotif WILL start
automaticaly with I/O Module Rev "D".
Stock Revision of I/O Module is Rev"E".
S.O.S Help me please !!!

The Answer is :

  Assuming that the "rev E" module is operational, the first assumption
  the OpenVMS Wizard can make is that the module requires a more recent
  version of OpenVMS Alpha and of DECwindows.
  Your OpenVMS Alpha and DECwindows versions are archaic, and both are
  no longer supported releases.  Please seriously consider an upgrade
  to OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 (or later) and to DECwindows V1.2-4 (or later),
  and apply the applicable available ECO kits.
  If you cannot upgrade to a supported product version, please acquire
  and apply the available ECO kits for the product versions in use as a
  first step.  If the problem persists, please contact the Compaq Customer
  Support Center for assistance:
  That said, other than an ECO for DECwindows Motif V1.2-3, there are
  apparently ECOs that clearly address this problem available, though
  there are several low-level ECO kits available for OpenVMS Alpha V1.5.

answer written or last revised on ( 23-AUG-1999 )

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