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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Compaq Commitment to OpenVMS?

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The Question is:

Has COMPAQ changed its position with regard to
support for OpenVMS.  Rumors persist that COMPAQ will drop OpenVMS.  Please
state clearly COMPAQ's  position as of 8/21/99.  Exactly what are the plans
to support OpenVMS IN DETAIL with dates, etc.

The Answer is :

  Compaq OpenVMS Engineering continues the new development and the
  support of OpenVMS, and OpenVMS will continue to be available for
  as long as there is profit in making it available.  Features such
  as OpenVMS Galaxy and support for Fibre Channel have been added
  in recent releases, and extensive new development work is presently
  underway for future releases.
  If you require formal or written statements of continued support,
  please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center directly.

answer written or last revised on ( 3-SEP-1999 )

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