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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Y2K Readiness and V6.2 and V6.2-1H3?

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The Question is:

We are testing our Hospital LAboratory System on a second Alpha 4-275. Our
production system is running OpenVMS 6.2 and the test box is running
In a nutshell....
What are the differences between 6.2 and 6.2-1H3?
Will they in any way affect Y2k Testing?
Since the hardware in this case is very simialr, how would I check for any
material differences in the operating system that reports 6.2-1H3 from the
6.2 release?
Thanks in advance
Dan Kelleher
Manager of Technical Services
Central Maine Healthcare
Lewsiton, Maine

The Answer is :

  The only differences between OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 and OpenVMS Alpha
  V6.2-1H3 are those required for the support of the new hardware and
  new configurations (first) supported by the V6.2-1H3 release.
  These differences are not relevant to Y2K Readiness.
  The OpenVMS Wizard does not expect to see any differences in OpenVMS
  Y2K readiness specific to the changes between the OpenVMS Alpha V6.2
  and V6.2-1H3 releases.
  The OpenVMS Wizard strongly recommends following the provided Y2K
  readiness testing procedures -- see the OpenVMS FAQ for pointers
  and details -- and testing the local applications and the local
  environment for (at a minimum) catastrophic Y2K failures.

answer written or last revised on ( 24-AUG-1999 )

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