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HP OpenVMS Systems

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SMS and PATHWORKS Licensing Services?

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The Question is:

This is going to seem very stupid and I aplogize for it.
Currently we are going throug a SMS 2.0 upgrade at our company, and I have
received reports that some clients that are running Pathwork Licensing
Services are experiencing a problem.
I am being told that the SMS 2.0 inventory service is shutting down the
Pathwork service
Are you aware of this type of problem, and is there a work around?

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard is aware of problem reports from sites running
  PATHWORKS 32 licensing components when the site has upgraded to
  Microsoft SMS 2.0.  The resulting investigation indicated the cause
  is a problem within Microsoft SMS 2.0.  The OpenVMS Wizard recommends
  you report the problem to Microsoft.

answer written or last revised on ( 26-AUG-1999 )

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