[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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Netscape FastTrack and CGI?

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The Question is:

Netscape Fasttrack Server is installed. The documentation of VMS Specifics
says that a .cgi file will automatically assumed to be DCL if not native
Thus we are trying to get the following program to run but get errors :-
$ set def sks5:[vistareports.reports]
$ write sys$output "Content-type: text/html"
$ write sys$output "<html><body>
$ write sys$output "<h1 align=center>HELLO</h1>"
$ write sys$output "</body></html>"
The server responds to the client with a 500 server error page, and enters
the following into the server log file :-
[26/Aug/1999:16:14:15] failure: for host ANDREW.BOOKPOINT.CO.UK trying to
GET /sysinfo.cgi, cgi-parse-output reports: the CGI program
/dkd5/vistareports/reports/sysinfo.cgi did not produce a valid header (name
without value: got line "")
Netscape do not seem to support OpenVMS as an operating system so I would be
grateful for all help.
(PS: The CGI file type is ENABLED, MIME-types of .CGI,.BAT & .EXE are
enabled as default)

The Answer is :

  The CGI definition REQUIRES a blank line exist between the content
  tag and the HTML.

answer written or last revised on ( 26-AUG-1999 )

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